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How Beneficial Preschool Is Today


Preschool is an early childhood program where kids mix learning with play in a setting led by adults with training. Although some institutions will accept children as young as two, the most frequent age range for preschool enrollment is between three and five. Preschool education is very fundamental in this stage of their life.

Preschools differ from traditional day care because they emphasize learning and development than allowing parents to work or engage in other activities. It lays the groundwork for learning, development, and emotional growth that will help your child as they move on to kindergarten, elementary school, and other levels of education.

Before sending your little one to a preschool in New Jersey, you have to be aware of the importance of:

  • The adults’/parents’ part in a child’s education
  • Essential elements of the ready-made learning environment
  • The best tools and exercises required to maximize the child’s social and intellectual abilities
  • Possible roadblocks to the kids’ education
  • Possibilities for developing the child’s independence

We at The Green House Preschool and Kindergarten, Inc., a childcare center in Fort Lee, New Jersey, can help nurture your children in uncovering their interests and achieving their full potential. By providing them with a safe, loving, and creative environment, they can express themselves and learn through their experiences.

The goal of the kindergarten in Ridgefield, New Jersey, is to create the “whole child”—a person whose mind and body grow via pleasant sensorial experiences around them as offered by a staff of qualified and compassionate caretakers and educators.

Feel free to contact us for an Early Childhood Program.

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